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189 lines
BootBlock.brainfile (BBBF)
version 0.95 beta
Released the 18th of November 1992
Programmed by Johan Eliasson, SHI member.
Copyright © Safe Hex International 1992
This package should include the following files:
The Bootblock.library/brainfile is an attempt to make life a little
bit easier for programmers of anti-virus utilities, diskcopy programs,
directory utilities, disk packers and for whoever who wants to check the
bootblock of some device, and of course for you, the user, who are dead-
tired of those %$£&%$& viruses...
The library has some easy-to-use functions to read the brainfile, and to
check a bootblock with it. See the BootblockLibrary.doc for more info
about that!
The BBBF package is freely distributable as long as all of its files are
included in their original form without additions, deletions, or
modifications of any kind, with the following exception:
If your program uses the Bootblock.library/Bootblock.brainfile then they
may be distributed along with it.
If you use this library in your program you must give credit to SHI (like
the note below) and the programmer in your documentation.
The BBBF package may not be used in a commercial program without written
permission by Safe Hex International.
Only a nominal fee (maximum 6$) may be charged for the distribution of BBBF.
This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. By using the BBBF package, you agree to accept the
entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program.
Some Notes About SHI
I'm member of SHI (Safe Hex International) a world wide Amiga user-
group, special founded to get the Amiga more popular and to fight
against virus spreading.
If you know a virus programmer you can get a reward of $ 1000 for
supplying his name and address. The fact is that the law punishes data
crime very severely (5 years in jail in most countries).
We are an international user group with more than 500 members, who have
started trying to stop the spreading of viruses. Let me give you some
1. Our motto is: "Safe Hex, who dares do anything else today?".
2. A virus bank containing all well known virus killer programmes.
3. We help people to get money back lost by virus infection.
4. We write articles about virus problems for 9 Amiga magazines.
5. We release the newest and the best virus killers around.
6. We have more than 30 "Virus Centers" worldwide where you can get
free virus help by phoning our "Hotlines", and of cause get the
newest virus killers too translated in your own.... language for
a very little cost.
For more information contact:
SAFE HEX INTERNATIONAL (Please send 2 "Coupon-Response
Erik Loevendahl Soerensen International" and a self addres-
Snaphanevej 10 sed envelope, if you want more
DK-4720 Praestoe information about SHI by letter)
Phone: + 45 55 99 25 12
Fax : + 45 55 99 34 98
Well, for you, the user, it's really very simple!
Just install the Bootblock.library in your LIBS: directory, and
install the Bootblock.brainfile in your L: directory!
There, that wasn't so hard, was it? 8-)
Now the library/brainfile are ready for use by any program that
supports them!
Happy virus-hunting!
Version 0.9 beta
First version.
Version 0.91 beta
Removed all non-virus bootblocks from the brainfile upon request from
Erik Loevendahl Soerensen. Now you will only be alerted if the bootblock
contains a virus, anti-virus, or any other suspicious resident program.
This is for speed and so that the user won't be bothered with messages
like 'This bootblock is the MegaSuperDemoLoader 32.84' all the time.
I have tried to clean up this doc a bit too. There were a few obvious
mistakes that I guess you spotted.
BBBF now knows 171 original viruses, and a vast number of clones.
Version 0.92 beta (15.10.92)
V 0.91 didn't recognize the Chameleon (Little Sven) virus correctly.
Instead of adding a short piece of code to deal with that, I rewrote
the complete brainfile-system, so it will be easier to add new viruses
to the brainfile from now on.
BBBF now knows 164 original viruses, and a vast number + 7 clones.
Version 0.93 beta (29.10.92)
Still beta, as I haven't recieved any feedback from the users yet.
I divided the BBBF.doc into two parts, BBBF.doc (for the users), and
BootblockLibrary.doc (for the programmers).
I got a big bunch of bootblocks that helped me correct many mistakes.
Thanks to Martin Lauridsen for sending it to me!
These mistakes include the Lamer Exterminator lot, Switch Off,
ScarFace, Paradox II, Julie and CList.
I also added these viruses:
Byte Bandit 4
BOMBed by some virus
Lamer Exterminator 7
BBBF knows 156 original viruses and an innumerable amount of clones!
You may have noticed that version 0.91 knew 171 viruses, and this version
knows 156 viruses. That doesn't mean that this version recognizes less
viruses, it just means that I don't bother naming all those clones that
looks almost like the original virus, and works the same way. So don't
worry, version 0.93 IS an improvement! 8-)
Version 0.94 beta (01.11.92)
Got another sending from Erik.
Removed a few harmless bootblocks.
Knows 152 original viruses.
I also added the ListKnown program to the BBBF package.
Version 0.95 beta (18.11.92)
Added viruses: Sonja, ZEST, Adam Brierly, Cobra, Germany.
Well, that's all for now!
Please, I need your opinions! Even if you have no complaints nor ideas
it's nice just to hear that it works... 8-)
Send new viruses, ideas, threats and harddrives to:
Johan Eliasson Phone: +46 11 169138
Bäckgatan 6
60358 Norrköping
Note: If you send me a disk, don't expect getting it back, unless you
include money for postage! I'm really poor...
Thanks goes to Magnus Holmgren and Tommy Hallgren for helping out with my
C troubles, Tommy Hallgren and Mats Erlandsson for testing!
Erik Loevendahl Soerensen at SHI for all his support.
John Lohmeyer, whose Interpret.library I used as a model when designing
this library. Thanks guys!